Springs is undoubtedly the perfect time in the year to get on house cleaning tasks especially those stained and dirty carpets, area rug, or upholstery. Most of the time, people aim high to work on all the areas of their house and get a sparkling look to the interiors. However, the entire hustle and bustle make you forget about your winter companion who made it a cozy and comfortable experience to walk around the home. But still, Most of the issues which you face with your carpet either they are food spills, wine stains, or blood spots, just need a little of your time and some easy DIY tactics for an effective non-toxic treatment. Let’s just quickly move to the list of 7 of the best carpet cleaning solution that you can try for a perfect spring cleaning.
- Using An Iron To Remove Stains
- Tap water
- Vinegar
- Iron
You would have never even imagined that the iron you just have used for a perfect white collar look could be used to get over the stains on your carpet. The process should start with the cleaning of the area through vacuuming. When done, you should dampen the stained area using a towel which is dipped into the solution of vinegar and water in the ratio of 1 is to 3. This should be immediately followed by putting the moist towel over the stained area and start moving iron over it. As you would hover the iron over the stained area through the towel, the stain starts lifting to the towel. You can stop the process when the stain is removed to a possible chance or all.
- The Freshener: Essential Oil & Baking Soda Therapy
- Essential oils
- Baking soda
- Glass container
Are you tired of the strange odor which you need to tackle with carpets? We bring you an easy way to get rid of that smell and make your carpet smell fresh giving you a feel like moving in a garden every time you step in your bedroom or living room. You can create your own deodorizer with the use of essential oils and baking soda. The process starts by taking 10 to 20 drops of the essential oil like orange, lavender and blend it with 16-ounce baking soda. Make sure both the ingredients mix well with each other and get that mixture into a glass container. So, whenever you start to feel that odor comes again, you just need to sprinkle a little bit of mixture on your carpet and leave it for at least 5 minutes of time before you go for quick vacuum.
- Home-Made Deep Cleaner
- Hydrogen peroxide
- White vinegar
- Dish soap
- Essential oils
- Fabric softener
- Hot water
Deep cleaning of your carpets is essential to get rid of dust mites and allergens that could make you go fall very sick. Most of the time people spend big money on purchasing the chemical cleaners and extraction equipment for a fine deep cleaning experience. However, you can easily get your own DIY deep cleaner at home with a few ingredients in hand. You should start making your mixture with ¼ cup of vinegar, ¾ cup of hydrogen peroxide, 2 tablespoons of dish soap, 2 tablespoon fabric softener, 5 drops essential oils, and lastly a gallon of warm water. You can use this mixture in your rug cleaning machine as an alternative to chemical-based expensive cleaners.
- Care for Shag Carpets
- Vacuum cleaner
- Hose attachment
Shag carpets are something which has returned into trends. If you have a shag carpet at home, it is necessary that you should understand the ways to clean it. Most of the vacuum cleaners are too powerful for the shag carpet as they can damage the fibers and make the carpet look frizzy. However, a shedding carpet could be prevented from shedding using the hose attachment and your regular vacuum cleaner. This helps you to pull out the dirt from the core of the carpet without causing any damage to it.
- Spoon Fluffing Technique
- Vinegar
- Water
- Spoon
The regular traffic on your carpet may make it look like you had a jungle stampede on it. However, you can easily regain its fluffy feel by using a spray of vinegar and water. This better works on the stain area to help you get rid of the stain with easy blotting. When done, you can run a spoon around the carpet area which is damaged to fluff up through charge and encourage fibers to stand again.
- Iron and Ice Fluffing
- Ice cubes
- Towel
- Iron
Are you stressed over the dents you have on your carpet for furniture area? All you need to do is get the ice cubes to the dents and let them allow for melting. Once the entire water is dissolved into the dented area, you can use a towel to blot the extra moisture without giving any pressure. When done, you need to place the towel on the dent area and move the iron on it. Keep on ironing until the area feels dry and then leave it exposed to air. When the dented area is completely free of moisture, you can use your hands to fluff up the fibers.
So, if you are wondering over ideas that could help you with effective carpet cleaning solution to get a carpet which is always shining and clean, all you need to do is follow the above ideas to get rid of stains, dirt, dust, and even the furniture dents using home ingredients. All the best!